Website featured on Best CSS Design

The Immense Networks website has been featured on,…

We're using HTML5 and CSS3 techniques

We've updated our site to the latest HTML5 and CSS3 markup. What…

WBRZ job growth in Baton Rouge

Immense Networks featured in a WBRZ news story. It's one of…

Social engineering is often overlooked

Many organizations simply overlook the importance of social engineering. To…

Bad web design repels people

People's first impression of your company is often from your…

Data classification for small businesses

Data classification will ensure the long-term security of your…

10 Unix Commands Every Web Developer Should Know

Unix servers run the internet, and, as a web developer, you…

Websites are the best form of advertising

What's the best way to promote your business? That's easy...get…

Keep Adobe Flash off your websites

Your website should never rely on Adobe Flash for core functionality. In…

Phonebooks are dead; your business needs a website

Increase your searchability Your potential customers are not…